love is the best medicine!
We use a Mind-Body Approach to help your whole being.
Our founder, Tiffany Baskett, lived through her own struggles and pains, but came to realize that everything she needed to get her life back was already available to her. With a mind of curiosity, a dedication to education, and commitment to truly feeling free, she spent years gathering information, training, and completing certifications so she could share what she learned through her own healing journey. Her calling is to help people see past their subjective narratives, physical manifestations of pain, and get on the track to mental and emotional relief for a pain-free life that you deserve, too!
More About TiffanyNeuromyofascia?
What is NeuroMyoFascial Therapy?
NueroMyoFascial Therapy assesses and addresses the patterns derived from the pain of the mind (neuro), muscles (myo) and the body's connective tissue (fascia) to help unwind and rewire the way the body moves, where feelings and emotions are processed, and how the brain translates experiences. MyoFascia consists of bundles or knots in the muscles called trigger points and is often associated with chronic fatigue, limited mobility, depression, sleep deprivation, trauma responses, and more. Since there are 10 times more sensory nerve endings in your fascia than in your muscles, it "remembers" as it becomes shaped through emotions/memories.
We evaluate physical, emotional and mental components of pain to help you HEAL on all levels and reclaim your LIFE! We utilize hands-on treatment performed by a certified and licensed therapist which is considered Manual Therapy. This can include joint mobilization and manipulation, stretching exercises to help muscles, passive movement routines of the affected part of the body we are focusing on, or moving certain body parts and muscles against a source of resistance. We also transmute that stuck or stagnant energy to help you align with your being's most optimal state of existence.
When we embark on the path of self-transformation and healing, it creates a trickle effect within each of our relationships. When we as individuals release our fears, wounds, traumas, and self-sabotaging patterns, our energetic vibration raises and creates space for spiritual awareness where we are able to make a positive impact on every living being we connect with.
let’s Get to it!
*Clients remain fully clothed in flexible athletic wear and may utilize many planes of motion for physical assessment on or off our massage-style table including standing, sitting, and lying down.
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Holistic Practitioner
Why utilize a holistic practitioner?
We are so excited you asked! At True Align Wholistic Life, we dedicate our time to hearing your journey and using intricate parts of your story to find the root causes of your pain so we can create an individualized plan to get you on the path to healing. We understand that the emotions we hold in our body can often manifest in physical symptoms, so we use a total mind-body approach to everything we do; our treatments focus on calming your stress levels and recognizing your anxieties and restricting beliefs in order to support your physical wellness. This is what we mean by Alternative or Functional Medicine! practice offers a holistic, yet down-to- earth approach, which is a collaborative experience of Intuitive Guidance, Energy Healing, Manual therapy, Channeled Messages, Connection with your Higher Self. We believe that we all have inner healing abilities they just need to be activated to get us into alignment.

What Happens In Session?

We start by evaluating your mobility, flexibility, and range of motion in either your affected areas or your entire body and sense of wellness. Then, we help you connect the dots to feelings/emotions to create a schedule consisting of a combination of therapies with the purpose of unlocking and balancing key areas throughout the body to achieve pain relief.

Next, we utilize our expertise in muscle activation, emotional calibration tools, and nervous system resets to start our therapy plan. Every step of the way, we will listen to the wisdom of your body to make sure that we are releasing your tensions, restrictions, and mental triggers in a way that unwinds repetitive patterns. It’s multi-modality at its finest!

We then provide tools to follow at home to continue restoring and realigning your body and its subtle vibrations when you are not in an appointment. Consistently using these at-home practices will help you feel lighter, freer, and more energized as you continue your healing and recovery process wherever you are in your life.
Are you ready to
Free yourself from pain and get your life back?
Schedule your first appointment and take the first step in your wellness journey now.
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Work w/Tiffany
I am an expert in helping people heal physical and emotional pain with yoga, energy medicine and intuitive neuro-myofascial therapy (reconnecting the mind to the body). I specialize in leading large scale group workshops, corporate wellness events, and creating programs for intimate self-discovery experiences.
Ways to Connect with me:
- 1-on-1 NeurMyoFascial Therapy
- Private Yoga Therapy
- Yoga Teacher Training/Mentorship
- Transformational Public Speaking
- Energy Balance w/ Crystal Healing
- Love Healing Podcast