Details + Timelines 2024
Upon acceptance into the program you will be able to login to the student online portal, complete payments, and view content.
Our training is divided into modules and is designed so that students can engage in self study through the online training platform.
We will meet LIVE one weekend/mo for 6 months, Friday afternoon (4pm-8pm); Saturday and Sunday (9:30am-6:30pm)
Scheduled Final Exam is both Written and Demonstration. Seva practicum is also required to complete certification.
Learn more about True Align Yoga School & The Fitness Collective ATL!
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Kemetic + Vedic Yoga
Discovery begins with The Practice + History of Yoga - students understand + discuss yoga lineages (specifically beginning with Kemetic/Egyptian/Afrikan) & the unique qualities that define each style. Dive into the past philosophy of yoga from Egypt to India with introductions to Ancient texts.

Subtle Bodies | Intro to A+P
Yoga Poses + Sanskrit, Foundations of Hatha Yoga with emphasis on Vinyasa sequencing. Scratch the surface of the subtle bodies Chakras, Koshas + Nadis & their relationship with the nervous + endocrine systems. Begin to understand the Anatomy + Physiology of Yoga for every body.

Ashtanga Experience
Ashtanga is a traditional practice, and is the historical basis of all classes we call
"power" or "flow" or "vinyasa." But one big difference is that traditionally, the
Ashtanga practice is not taught in group classes led by a teacher! Instead, the practice is shared person-to-person "Mysore-style."

Sequencing | FASCIA | Anatomy
Intuitively Sequence Yoga Poses + utilize Sanskrit, Practice teaching the Alignment Principles w/ emphasis on Vinyasa sequencing. Deepen knowledge around how the nervous + endocrine systems work with yoga. Learn easy hands on Assists+Adjustments w/ trauma informed lense.

YIN+Restorative & Meditation
We dive deeper into the explanation of fascia using descriptive phrases that help students to get a clearer sense for this pervasive tissue and how Yin Yoga helps with release, exploration, and muscle innervation.

Free unlimited yoga at The Fitness Collective ATL throughout the duration of
the program (with required classes to attend), True Align Yoga School's comprehensive training materials, a custom 108 bead Mala, and other fun surprises, PLUS lodging, 3 meals and transportation *if needed* for the In Person Graduation Retreat in ATL!
Hybrid Training Dates
*** Dates and times are in EST & may be subject to change. ***Makeup dates are case-by-case basis only
- January 18 - 21 (Kemetic Yoga & Vedic Philosophy)
- February 16 - 18 (Fascia A+P Intro, Sequence Foundations & Subtle Bodies)
- March 15 - 17 (Ashtanga Experience + Sanskrit Basics) *IN PERSON*
- April 19 - 21 (Applied FASCIA / Movement Anatomy + Physiology)
- May 31 - June 02 (YIN+Restorative & Meditation Certification)
June 28 - 30 *IN PERSON Graduation Retreat*
Learn more about True Align Yoga School & The Fitness Collective ATL!
Fill in your details below to learn more about our amily OR to schedule your FREE 15 minute compatibility call with us. Don't miss out on exclusive offers, classes and change making updates!
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